Lobster Diving Gear
- 4 D-cell pistol grip
Some people use a red lens at night. Lobster don't see
red light well. But, we don't see red light that well
either and your flashlight beam falls of quickly because
red is the first color to be absorbed by water.
- 8 D-cell pistol grip
Use this one in the daytime to look quickly into holes
and crevices. (Your eyes won't have to adjust as much as
they would with a less powerful light.)
- Leather (good abrasion resistance and feel, also less
likely to snag on the bug's spines/spikes; but, they can
get a little cold.)
- Kevlar palmed neoprene (good abrasion resistance,
warm; but, the kevlar and nylon can snag on the bug's
Lobster gauge (3.25")
Goodie bag
- Top half cordura nylon/bottom half nylon mesh (this
is one of the best, the bugs can't grip the cordura
- All nylon mesh
- Spring loaded closure
- One-way opening
- Standard closure
Live well bag
- All nylon mesh
- Draw string closure (wrap the cord around the neck of
the bag and tie it off)
- Add a few extra feet of line so you can tie the bag
to the live well door for easy retrieval