CBDPC 2005 with my critique of each shot (entered in Open Film Macro)
Chris Simmons

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Catalyptic(?) Shrimp

What's good:
Focus, lighting, position of the shrimp

What's bad:
The shrimp blends in to the background, the shrimp needs to fill more of the frame. The overhead(righthand) strobe could be moved a little further away (half a stop). So the straight ahead(lefthand) strobe would get rid of some of the shadow on the side of the shrimp facing the camera.

Other Notes:
This was shot at close to 1-to-1. The shrimp is only about 0.75" tall. To fill more of the frame, I would have to use a 200mm macro lens with a +4 diopter which might have been close to impossible to do on anything except a perfectly flat day.